Following an initiative of the Federal Research Ministry, the bayern photonics e.V. was founded in 2000 as a regional competence network for optical technologies. By now it has become an established part of the cluster landscape.
Since the foundation in 2000, the total number of members increased nearly tenfold and has expanded to
about 80 partners until today.
bayern photonics is a member of OptecNet Germany. This federal association of innovation networks for optical technologies ensures the networking of contents on a national level.
Nationwide, about 600 partners joint one of the regional clusters Optical Technologies.

The members of bayern photonics come from all areas of optical technologies and cover the entire value chain.
- Sensors & measurement technology (55 %)
- Components, materials, systems (52 %)
- Services (50 %)
- Lasers & beam sources (36 %)
- Imaging & lighting (34 %)
- Manufacturing technology (22 %)
- BioPhotonics (17 %)

(Chairman of the board)
Sill Optics GmbH

Messe München GmbH

Hembach Photonik GmbH

Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm

Qioptiq Photonics GmbH & Co.KG.

Alexa Machemer
Phone: +49 6701 20 58 007
![[Translate to English:] Portrait von Dr. Horst Sickinger](/fileadmin/dateiablage/bayern_photonics/Verein/Pic/Bild_Sickinger.jpg)
Dr. Horst Sickinger
Phone: +49 911 928 790 55