Innovation Networks
bayern photonics e.V. is part of OptecNet Deutschland e.V.
The nationwide association of innovation networks for optical technologies, 600 companies and research istitutions guarantees supra-regional, content-related networking.
OptecNet Deutschland e.V.
The regional photonics networks at the national level.
Become a member
Companies of any legal form, research institutions, public corporations, local authorities and associations can become members of bayern photonics.
is the regional Network of Competence in Photonic Technologies in the north of Germany.
Optical technologies from Berlin and Brandenburg.
represents the interests of all partners from business and science involved in the development of these future technologies to politics and society.
The name says it all: we are the innovative photonic s network in Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt.
Wetzlar Network
The industrial network for the optics, electronics and mechanics sectors aims to strengthen the regional economic area and actively promote its development.
OptoNet e.V.
represents around 100 players in the Thuringian photonics industry and offers a platform for networking and cooperation.