The Laser-Forschungslabor (LFL) at the LIFE-Center of the Hospital of the University of Munich is a medical-field-independent interdisciplinary research institution focusing on medical laser applications for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, biophotonics, and medical optics. LFL acts as a link between the medical community and the medicine-related industry. Furthermore LFL serves as an educational platform for physicians and students of different disciplines.
Fields of Activity
- Lasermedicine for diagnosis and therapy
- Biophotonics
- Medical optics and optical sensors
Range of Services
- Mentoring: internships, Bachelor-, Master-, MD- and PhD-Theses
- Consulting: Fluorescence-based diagnostics, clinical laser applications, photodynamic therapy, optical properties of biological tissue, light dosimetry
- Safety aspects: laser safety and medical laser courses
Research & Development Activities
- Tissue differentiation by means of remission and fluorescence techniques
- Photodynamic therapy
- Laserinduced thermotherapy, soft and hard tissue ablation
- Hyperspectral imaging
- Fluorescence lifetime microscopy
- Confocal microendoscopy
- Light application systems and fibre-based sensors
- Tissue optics
- Light dosimetry
LFL is Technology Partner
for companies manufacturing medical laser systems, endoscopes, fibre-optic components, imaging systems, microscopes, fibre-based light application systems
Head of LIFE-Center
Prof. Dr. Ronald Sroka
LMU Klinikum
Urologische Klinik und Poliklinik / LIFE-Zentrum
Laser-Forschungslabor / Labor für Tumorimmunologie / Experimentelle Pharmakologie
Fraunhoferstraße 20
82152 Planegg
Phone: +49 89 4400-74879
Fax: +49 89 4400-74864