PHOTON ENERGY GmbH is known worldwide as a long-standing and reliable partner to industry and research. The product focus is on laser beam sources for laser material processing and laser marking systems for use in predominantly industrial environments.

Main activities

Since 2001, PHOTON ENERGY GmbH has been successfully active in the development, production and distribution of lasers. Therefore we focus on customised solutions and competent, individual customer support. Our products are designed for laser marking on a wide variety of materials such as plastic, glass, ceramics or metal. They are also ideally suited for micromachining applications such as drilling, marking on microscopic scales or cutting display glass.


  • Solid-state laser beam sources
  • OEM marking systems: mechanical unit consisting of laser beam source, beam conditioning and galvo scanner (laser class 4), designed for integration into production lines or machines.
  • Marking laser systems: complete laser marking systems ready for immediate use in different sizes and power classes (laser class 1), usable as a stand-alone device or integrated into automation solutions.
  • Industry solutions e. g. for medical technology

Current top technologies

PERMAblack process

  • Corrosion-free marking
  • High contrast
  • Viewing angle independent
  • Shorter marking time than conventional laser methods
  • Durability of the marking
  • High resistance to passivation and autoclaving


Managing Director
Dr. Hans Amler

Bräunleinsberg 10
91242 Ottensoos

Phone: +49 9123 99034- 0
Fax: +49 9123 99034 - 22