Schleifring GmbH with production plants in Fürstenfeldbruck and Kaufbeuren and subsidiaries in USA and China is a worldwide leading developer and manufacturer of slip rings for the transmission of power, data and media with focus on technologically advanced, customized solutions. You can find a wide range of applications and configurations for industrial slip rings and fiber optic rotary transmitters in our online-shop at
Main Activities
- Medical Technology
- Wind Power
- Security Technology
- Industrial Manufacturing
- Slip rings for contacting signal and power transmission
- Rotary joints for contactless signal and power transmission
- Fiber optic rotary joints for Multimode and Single-Mode fibers
- Integrated slip ring systems using different transmission technologies
- Rotary joints for liquids and gases
- Custom designed configurations: miniature slip rings, disc slip rings to the point of large free inner bores
- Subsystems for CT scanners in the field of medical and security technology
Main Areas of Research and Development
- Increase of the lifetime of slip rings by using of new materials and contactless technologies
- Transmission of higher data rates
- Contactless transmission of electrical power
- Increase the channel count and improve the optical performance of fiber optic rotary joints
- New transmission technologies
Current Top Technologies
- Contactless data transmission up to 14 GBit/s per channel
- Contactless power transmission from 50W to 200kW
- Fiber optical rotary joints for 60 Single-Mode fibers